Are you still keeping the receipts?

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Hello, I have paid subscription - is this project still live? I've not heard anything for a while.

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Hello, I'm conducting an investigation and having trouble with the obtention of a judgment regarding the MPs that wanted an investigation to be opened. I believe it was ruled by Judge Swift but I know nothing more, if someone could please indicate to me the name of the case or the reference so I can look it up I would be eternally grateful. My email is A2110351@correo.uia.mx. Thank you.

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Just brilliant. Thank you. Let us know how we can help. I will do my best. Covid has really been a huge bonus for Johnson hasn't it? I suspect he has let it got worse for an excuse to suppress dissent and to disguise the damages caused by living the EU.

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Excellent, a truly positive powerful response. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing”. Fight the good fight.

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ha well done Carol, out and proud xxx

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...they 🤥🤥🤥.


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This is fantastic. You are my kind of people.

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Will those who are affected by the fire safety bill be included? There are many leaseholders being bankrupted by the Govt’s regulation. Please let me know

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I am impressed and grateful that this is being conducted to eventually hold government to account. Thank you

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This is absolutely brilliant. We ned to encourage individuals from all walks of life to record their experiences in the pandemic in writing and simply hold onto them for now. Those documents could be useful in the near future. Eventually there could be a People's Archive. Cambridge University is doing something like this locally - maybe there will be lots of local archives...I do not know but I do know that everyone needs to record and write down what happened to them.

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Great work. Andy Burnham on the justice system at the LFC press conference today though... it's a big hill.

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If you need an ERP system to out your data in, I have one over at GOV2.UK. Might be more useful than Excel ;) Let me know and I'll set up some custom forms and database tables :) Lloyd

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I’m reading this with tears streaming down my face, I have felt so utterly powerless, sign me up to contribute in any way I can including financially

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Wonderful work Carole. I had a look at 'a comprehensive open-source database for all journalists, lawyers and corruption investigators, updated weekly, which you can find here'. Here in Leamington Spa, 'NHS' Test and Trace has set up England's new mega-lab. But no information on the contract and who runs it. Please help!!! From South Warwickshire Keep our NHS Public.

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