Just megathanks. I've watched indieSAGE from the start but had no idea, Carole, of your involvement until a couple of weeks ago with the international panel. I just watched the videos, emailed the link to friends, former colleagues et al, sometimes read the papers indieSAGE produced, and closed the link. Just didn't know about the Citizens, so sorry. Anyway I hope to make up for my lapse now. Nor had I realised until recently that it was possible to donate to the funds. I shall remedy that omission too. I shall follow you all avidly from now on, as well as the regulars on indieSAGE. BTW I'm a retired NHS psychiatrist. All best to all. Brian

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Keep up the great work, but please relate it also to the education of the UK public on economic matters, economic theory; if we don't collectively challenge the old and incorrect, economically incorrect idea that the government has to raise taxes to pay for necessary services and to invest in the economy then the country will be stuck - sunk - with another round of austerity although I suspect the term will not be in circulation. We need the equivalent of Independent Sage to report on - advise on - economic measures re Covid and climate change. Rejecting the Neo-liberal line on government spending is imperative if the UK is to deal successfully with both issues.

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Beautifully put Carole xx you’re all doing essential work

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rock on Carole x

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Jul 26, 2021Liked by the Citizens

It's shameful to realise that the attacks from the Telegraph, Guido and Spiked (and the Spectator, when they wake up) are a measure of the success of Independent Sage and the work you've all done.

It seems as though the government have started to lose the culture war, and their approval ratings are on the way down, so that explains the timing of the attacks.

There are still difficult times ahead and many people will get nasty attacks from the trolls, but the tide is turning.

Maybe Full Fact can be offered some of those attacks to check?

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