We need a new manifesto that goes cross-party that counters everything GBNews and #ToryScum stand for. Then we need people to sign up to it - in their millions. Then we need to fight back, united by a vision of fairness, truth and justice. And we need it soon.

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The damage is already done in my opinion.

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I have been following your work for some time - and in general have been very impressed if not terrified by what you reveal - though with respect to the comment below I don't know what your involvement might or might not have been in dissing Corbyn, but I've never quite gotten over how this very good man (he is my local MP and this is always how I've seen him over many years) has been so demonised - but would be interested to know your thoughts on this.

What I keep thinking about this initiative, and byline times etc - is what good will it actually do to have a left wing channel which no-one who watches GB news will be interested in.... I feel the danger of living in a country where right wing extremists seem to be given free range to harass people in the street and online, where views seem to be polarized on just about everything - you have to be either on one side or the other and there seems little understanding to go round - and I do find the BBC doesn't help the situation AT ALL. I need to understand more of how this might work, hope that it will, but really want to know more about how....

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All true Carol. The problem is that people like me saw what your journalist class did to Corbyn. You want to cry foul now, to warn us of the dangers of news outlets promoting misinformation? . Too late, that horse bolted a long, long time ago. I don't know where this will all end - not well suspect. I am university educated and at 54, find myself politically and journalistically homeless. I may not be suckered into GBnees, though many will be. I don't draw nearly the same distinction between them as you do. I just see them as purveyors of different brands of misinformation, horses for courses. Indeed the Guardians deliberate misinformation re Corbyn, rendered it no different to my mind than the rest of the more obvious miscreants. In the final analysis I really hope that journalists like you have a least a flash of self-awareness long enough to realise that you might just have PLAYED your part in getting us here. A pox on all your houses.

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I've never understood why liking cats -- especially when applied to women -- is used as a term of insult. Unless they're harking back to witches and familiars (the old songs are the best). And the "crazy" label has been used to marginalize women speaking unpopular truths since Cassandra. They're really digging out some old archetypes to neutralize and dismiss what they (rightly) see as a potent threat.

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Indeed. I agree with all of this. That twitter account amplifying every little cock-up is basically keeping GBnews trending on twitter. It's guerrilla broadcasting.

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